sexta-feira, 22 de maio de 2009
quarta-feira, 29 de abril de 2009
segunda-feira, 27 de abril de 2009
Learning to love again
I know you hate it Carla but i had to write it.
It's just a story i wrote using the charecters from twilight.
He was entering the hospital when he saw her.
She was not too tall, had a long and curly brown hair which were all loose behind her back and on her shoulders. She had to a tourist or just visiting, though Forks wasn’t the typical holydays place.
But as the young and seductive head of the Forks Hospital Neurocirurgy Department, and by being the youngest son of the Hospital Director, Carlisle Cullen, Edward Cullen new everyone in this small city with not over then 3000 people.
She was wearing a pair of black jeans which, he may say, fitted the delicate shape of her legs. Though she was short, her legs seem to be long and elegant, even being under the jeans and also covered by the long jacket she was wearing. Under it was a blue sweater with a v neckline that showed her violin look-a-like collarbone. She had a secure walk. Strait but still undulating.
When he got her dreaming eyes he froze. They were the most seductive caramel eyes he had ever seen. Deep, delighting, sweet, tender and impressive brown eyes.
Everything on her told him that she didn’t belong there.
By staring at her, analyzing her, he didn’t even notice the “traffic” he was making through the emergency door.
“Edward, son, I’ve paged you for almost an hour. Just walk and stop staring. It’s rude” said Carlisle coming from his office. Hearing his father calling him brought Edward to the earth. He didn’t notice that he had stopped walking to admire this beautiful stranger.
“Sorry chief, I got little bit absent. Where’s the emergency?” His father led him to the o.r. while an intern presented the case.
“A car crash. A forty eight man hit a truck. The truck was caring containers that fell and crash it. The truck driver was really luck and only got a few concussions and broken ribs. Not so lucky the car driver literally got smashed by a container pressure upon his car. His entire body is injured. Five broken ribs, left leg broken, right arm might get be broken too, and the worst, he has a glass fragment on the right eye and by the radiography and x-rays he has more all over his body. Brain specially.” She finished looking at Edward wish desire in her eyes.
Getting to the room checked the patient. He was sedated and the vitals were low.
“How long has he been sedated?” asked Edward?
“Just twenty minutes, he got here awake but a few minutes later got into shock.” Answered the same intern.
“Ok. I need to start the surgery now or this man won’t wake to see the tomorrow.” With that the surgeons started their work.
After, what seemed to be an eternity, the driver was stable.
“What an afternoon. Son, to what where you staring when I met you at the entrance?” after a nineteen hours shift, the chief finally was getting home. Edward was walking close to his father, now remind the mysterious woman from early that day. With all the mess at the hospital, he hadn’t had any chance to think about her again till the moment his father mentioned it.
“Hmm… I was just seeing someone amazing. Did you saw anyone new at the hospital today?”
“Like a woman?” Carlisle asked, though he already knew the answer. Edward met the chief Swan’s beautiful daughter Isabella. He was the one who attended her after paging his son. She was a successful writer in New York, and came here to visit her father while searching a new theme for her next novel. Of course Edward would find her attractive, and indeed she was. Not like the usual women he dated, far from that, but as it seems she was good enough make him stare.
“Yeah” he answered casually while entered his father Mercedes.
...the rest in here
It's just a story i wrote using the charecters from twilight.
He was entering the hospital when he saw her.
She was not too tall, had a long and curly brown hair which were all loose behind her back and on her shoulders. She had to a tourist or just visiting, though Forks wasn’t the typical holydays place.
But as the young and seductive head of the Forks Hospital Neurocirurgy Department, and by being the youngest son of the Hospital Director, Carlisle Cullen, Edward Cullen new everyone in this small city with not over then 3000 people.
She was wearing a pair of black jeans which, he may say, fitted the delicate shape of her legs. Though she was short, her legs seem to be long and elegant, even being under the jeans and also covered by the long jacket she was wearing. Under it was a blue sweater with a v neckline that showed her violin look-a-like collarbone. She had a secure walk. Strait but still undulating.
When he got her dreaming eyes he froze. They were the most seductive caramel eyes he had ever seen. Deep, delighting, sweet, tender and impressive brown eyes.
Everything on her told him that she didn’t belong there.
By staring at her, analyzing her, he didn’t even notice the “traffic” he was making through the emergency door.
“Edward, son, I’ve paged you for almost an hour. Just walk and stop staring. It’s rude” said Carlisle coming from his office. Hearing his father calling him brought Edward to the earth. He didn’t notice that he had stopped walking to admire this beautiful stranger.
“Sorry chief, I got little bit absent. Where’s the emergency?” His father led him to the o.r. while an intern presented the case.
“A car crash. A forty eight man hit a truck. The truck was caring containers that fell and crash it. The truck driver was really luck and only got a few concussions and broken ribs. Not so lucky the car driver literally got smashed by a container pressure upon his car. His entire body is injured. Five broken ribs, left leg broken, right arm might get be broken too, and the worst, he has a glass fragment on the right eye and by the radiography and x-rays he has more all over his body. Brain specially.” She finished looking at Edward wish desire in her eyes.
Getting to the room checked the patient. He was sedated and the vitals were low.
“How long has he been sedated?” asked Edward?
“Just twenty minutes, he got here awake but a few minutes later got into shock.” Answered the same intern.
“Ok. I need to start the surgery now or this man won’t wake to see the tomorrow.” With that the surgeons started their work.
After, what seemed to be an eternity, the driver was stable.
“What an afternoon. Son, to what where you staring when I met you at the entrance?” after a nineteen hours shift, the chief finally was getting home. Edward was walking close to his father, now remind the mysterious woman from early that day. With all the mess at the hospital, he hadn’t had any chance to think about her again till the moment his father mentioned it.
“Hmm… I was just seeing someone amazing. Did you saw anyone new at the hospital today?”
“Like a woman?” Carlisle asked, though he already knew the answer. Edward met the chief Swan’s beautiful daughter Isabella. He was the one who attended her after paging his son. She was a successful writer in New York, and came here to visit her father while searching a new theme for her next novel. Of course Edward would find her attractive, and indeed she was. Not like the usual women he dated, far from that, but as it seems she was good enough make him stare.
“Yeah” he answered casually while entered his father Mercedes.
...the rest in here
quarta-feira, 25 de março de 2009
quarta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2009
Death Soldier
Mostras-te a nós, qual soldado da justiça;
alimentado por uma raiva injustiçada.
Partes sem deixar rasto, fazendo troça da vida.
Deixas somente dor e solidãoaos que ficam,
agonia que se espalha como um parasita num corpo desprotegido.
Levas a luz mas deixas a escuridão
carregas a morte mas levas a sorte;
de todos que atravessam no teu caminho.
Para ti é destino o que nos matém unidos.
Estando ao meu lado, uma sombra escondida.
Soldado da morte dos sucumbidos!
Melhor amigo ou inimigo?
terça-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2009
Chimpanzés podem desaparecer em 2015
Investigador sul-africano Eugene Cussons, que dirige o projecto Chimpanzee Eden, com o apoio do Instituto Jane Goodall, diz que em seis anos poderão deixar de existir estes primatas na natureza se caça e tráfico não pararem
Em 2015, ou seja, dentro de seis anos, poderão não subsistir chimpanzés no estado selvagem. O alerta é do jovem investigador sul-africano Eugene Cussons, que dirige o Chimpanzee Eden, um projecto apadrinhado pelo Instituto Jane Goodall -a bióloga britânica celebrizou-se pelas suas descobertas sobre estes primatas e pelo trabalho de conservação que tem desenvolvido em África.
Numa entrevista desassombrada, citada pelo diário espanhol El Mundo, Eugene Cussons, de 29 anos, diz que a caça ilegal e o tráfico destes animais são as maiores ameaças que eles enfrentam actualmente.
"O tráfico de animais em perigo de extinção é uma das actividades ilegais que mais dinheiro movimentam no mundo", afirmou o jovem investigador, sublinhando que se "não evitarmos [estas actividades], dentro de sete anos não haverá mais chimpanzés a viver em liberdade".
Segundo Eugene Cussons, os efectivos nas populações destes animais estão actualmente em "queda acelerada".
Os números que o próprio avançou na entrevista, citada pelo diário espanhol, são claros: em 1900 existiam cerca de dois milhões de chimpanzés na natureza; há cinco anos, não havia mais de 200 mil. E se a caça ilegal e tráfico destes animais se mantiver ao actual ritmo, em menos de uma década, eles deixarão mesmo de existir no estado selvagem, alerta.
Combater esta caça e comércio ilegal, segundo Cussons, passa também pela "tomada de consciência das pessoas, de que não devem apoiar os espectáculos com animais que estejam em perigo de extinção".
"É necessário deixar de popularizar estes animais, para que deixe de haver quem os queira coleccionar ou ter como mascotes, o que mantém a caça e o tráfico", disse ainda.
Eugene Cussons é também o protagonista e autor de uma série de 12 episódios, sob o título Paraíso Chimpanzé, no canal Discovery. Aí conta histórias de chimpanzés caçados ilegalmente, do seu cativeiro e, em alguns casos, do seu resgate. |- F.N.
in Diário de Notícias online
p.s. : Milka, we need to stick up for my brothers and you cousins.
segunda-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2009
sexta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2009
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